Thursday 23 May 2013

Life of Women in Saudi Arabia

Life as a woman in Saudi Arabia is indeed one aspect of woman hood that comes with lots of up and down, regret and appreciation among other. With the above in mind, I will love to seize this medium to share with you some notable experience most ladies do face in Saudi Arabia. 
Personally, all the information so exposed in this write up was something I personally observed when I visited a bosom friend of mine in Saudi Arabia. To find out more, I will like you to seat back, inhale, exhale and say these words , “I will contribute my own quarter in ensuring that women in Saudi Arabia do experience the best life can offer”. 

Freedom And a Typical Saudi Arabian Woman: 
Freedom for women in Saudi Arabia is like a luxury that a typical Saudi Arabian woman do not have access to. This is possible because all things that a typical Saudi Arabian woman or those expats that are married to Saudi men do wish to enjoy, they most first seek the consent of their partner, guardian. Most times, these guardian of the woman tend to say no to the request of these women which is solely based on the fact that women should be given the much needed freedom before she abuse it. 

This trend is stronger in a more conservative Saudi Arabian family. As in a liberal family, a Saudi Arabian lady would be encouraged to get involved in attaining educational qualification, selecting a life time partner, have access to regular travel permit among others. While the other tends to see these listed options as a luxury they just can’t have access to. 

Guardian Privilege Security:
Another very notable fact that is so obvious in the life of a typical Saudi Arabian girl is the fact that they tend to be seen around moving with what is known as a guardian irrespective of their age, marital status or societal portfolio. The embarrassing factor of this trend is the fact that these women would be compelled to seek the permission of these guardians either publicly or privately before embarking on major activities. 

It is worth noting that a typical Saudi woman do not have the legal right to drive a car as in fact they are assigned a drive who in most cases tend to be their guardian. 

Finally, this Saudi Arabian female guardian would either be the woman’s husband, brother, or son. 

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