Saturday 22 February 2014

Beautiful children and families in the Middle East

There are a number of ways that MECA strive to assist these families and children, they do so through the form of direct aid which includes the distribution of medicines, medical supplies, food, school supplies and other items such as clothes, books and toys. Since their initial launch, they have been successful in sending more that $19 million in aid to the Middle East. There is also the matter of financial support which MECA also tries to do. This financial support is primarily given to the community organizations that are based in the West Bank and Gaza. Like MECA, these organizations are concerned about meeting the needs of the Palestinian children. These may include kindergartens, libraries, clinics, parks, teams and other programs such as music, art and dance. They also try to educate people on an international level on the lives of the children of the Middle East and how US policy affects them. 
This non-profit organization’s aim is to get peace and justice for the children and families in the Middle East. They aim to do so in any way that they possibly can and make a meaningful mark in the lives of the children. The will do so through any medium that is most beneficial to the child whether through food, scholarships and medical help. 

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