Thursday 23 May 2013

History of Middle East

The History of The Middle East comprises of its origin, name and also to mention the countries in the Middle East. The name Middle East was Adopted in the Year 1902 by one of the most Famous Arabian Scholar by the name Alfred Maharan.The name Middle East was used to describe the 16 beautiful countries and provinces in Southern Asia and also in the North East eastern Africa. The Middle East consists of the following countries; Bahrain,Omam,Egypt,Iran,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,Syria,Turkey,Iraq,Jordan,United Arab Emirates,Kuwait,West Bank/Gaza strip, Lebanon and Yemen. 

The Middle East has been one of the major business centers and also has acted as the center of at least 20 major conflicts from the ancient the great Persian-Greek Conflicts and wars which would then be settled in Iran or Iraq, This war was caused by the conflict over the Ottoman Empire and other boundaries issues. With a population of over 290 million In the Middle East, atleast 93% are Muslims while the rest are French, Italian and some mixed up foreigners from Africa or Romania. The Middle East had been known for its war nature and war zones that started back with the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire and now up today the Middle East countries are defined by their war nature and revenges. 

The Middle East countries have been also recognized by the ability to produce crude oil products, this has made the continent economy stable and competitive as lives and general living standard has been really boosted by the present of these mineral deposits, the mineral includes;
Iron ore, gold Uranium and some traces of gold. Talking of the mineral deposits, the Middle East people are mainly agriculturist, farming is done through irrigation schemes since there is water scarcity in the regions hence this has been the method for farming over the years. They produce mainly barleys, wheat and date palms. 

The Middle East over the 1200 years ago has been as a continent where history repeats itself on a daily basis, it has been known as the Arabic battle field for war among and against various empires seeking control over the riches, mineral and the entire resources the land generates. These are not myths or folk tales to pass the day or to buy your time reading my article,no,Middle East as being rated as the first country with a high human trafficking cases, in other hand most of its citizen violates human rights at least twice a day on a daily basis on either their employees or foreigners.

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