Thursday 19 September 2013

Saudi consumers trust in Internet shopping

There are two factors influence Saudi consumers trust in Internet shopping the most that is the third party recognition and legal framework. Both of these factors are somehow within the control of internet vendors. Consumers must be provided with sufficient protection of internet shopping. The existing of a good legal framework encourages consumers to use online shopping. People must believe in the competence of internet websites that offer interning shopping services. Unfortunately, since most Saudis use Arabic websites, and since those websites are poorly designed, consumers do not get the impression that they are dealing with a competent company. Therefore, this might affect users trust in those websites and make them refrain from buying anything online. In addition, most of the Saudi companies that offer online shopping services are not really reputable. For those companies to succeed in selling online, they need advertise their services focusing on showing how competent and reliable there are. The other factor is third party recognition. Most people in Saudi Arabia do not how internet transactions are done. They therefore do not know about the existence of third party companies that insure the security of the money transfer in online transaction, and issue trust certificates. This lack of recognition could again make customers refrain from buying online. Even if companies are secure, reputable and competent, consumers would have higher incentive to buy if they realize that their transactions are somehow monitored by third party trust-worthy companies. Therefore, if online sellers want to expand their market in Saudi Arabia, they should educate their consumers about the role of third party companies in ensuring the security of online transactions.

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