Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Open celebration with friends and families in Middle East

Open celebration with friends and families in Middle East 
The wedding day is not the last big activity for the couple. Yes, the wedding day sealed their vows for each other and it makes things official and legal but it is not the end. Henceforth, it is only the beginning of the wonderful and long journey these two lovebirds will embark on. After the wedding comes the honeymoon. The couple should carefully and thoroughly plan for their honeymoon as how they planned for their wedding day. The wedding day is an open celebration with friends and families. This event is more public. However, the honeymoon is more intimate that is only shared by the couple themselves. It is a time where they can spend some rest and relaxation away from home. To go on a trip in a remote and far away island, enjoy the sandy beaches and luxurious hotels and spas. It’s their time to shake off the stress from all the painstaking wedding planning and enjoy a quiet and intimate time, exclusively for each other.

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