Thursday 23 January 2014

What countries are considered Arab?

At round second half of the 19th century the movement of Arab nationalism begun alongside other movements in the Ottoman Empire. The Arab world demarcates its territory from the west Atlantic Ocean to the eastern Arab Sea, the Indian Ocean forming the southeastern portion while the Mediterranean Sea being the northern end bordering Horn of Africa and the middle east. Arabs trace their roots to the Arabian Peninsula. Nonetheless those countries who have no direct relations to this homeland of origin, enjoy being considered Arabs by the virtue of the Arab League regional organization . The Arab League which was founded in 1945, has it main agenda being to fight for the affairs and interest of Arab countries under the Pan-Arabism. It comprises of around 22 member countries.  Basically, all members of the Arab League form the Arab countries. The most outstanding feature of the Arab countries is the Arabic language spoken by the citizens of the Arab countries. Also the Islamic religion is the most uniting factor after the Arabic language amongst the Arab countries.  This the brings out the standard definition of the Arab countries .The underlying  definition being an Arab is any person speaking Arabic  language and living  in an Arab speaking -country.
The geographical locations of the Arab countries spread across three continents. The majority of these countries lie in Africa and Europe specifically the Middle –East countries and a few in the Asian continent mainly bordering the Gulf of Eden on Indian Ocean. Economically, majority of the Arab countries rely on oil production .This is  the case especially  for the Middle-East countries as well as a few northern African Arab countries.
- Sudan

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