Saturday 11 January 2014

Real Case Scenario on Sexuality and Reproductive Health in the Middle East

Real Case Scenario on Sexuality and Reproductive Health in the Middle East
 Most of the people in Middle East, more so women and youths are greatly affected with some of the cultural norms as they are not able to seek reproductive health services. Health seeking behaviour patterns attest to this. However, it is essential to find away systems that can penetrate the socio-cultural lifestyle of this population. Below are some the case scenarios that require urgent and integrated reproductive health policies and solutions are:
 1) Family Planning Services: It is a fact that women living in this area do not have a say on family planning. Women often are regarded as sex and birth beings. This is to the detrimental of their health as they do not have a right to access reproductive health services without consent of their husbands. To deal with issue there is a need for interactive forum where all the opinion leaders from health, civic and religious divide to discuss openly and adopt workable solutions that will improve women’s health. Apart from the Family Planning, other areas that require intervention are Maternal Health Care and Child Health Care amidst the reproductive healthcare services.
 2) Youth reproductive health initiatives: It cannot be denied that, despite strict cultural principles the youths will tend to sway away from the norms. Most of the youths are affected as they are not able to seek for timely medical intervention due to social stigma. This exposes the youths to diseases such as Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and cancers. Also, self induced abortions that endangers the life of the young girls. The potential of such young population requires a comprehensive reproductive health initiative that will target this important segment of Middle East population.
 It is worth to note that without sound policies on, sexuality and reproductive health, in the Middle East, most of the global development and public health objectives such as millennium development goals are far from being realized.

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