Wednesday 18 April 2012

Amman's historical sites and Jordan Archeaological Museum

Amman's historical sites and Jordan Archaeological Museum
Amman  is the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. "Hashemite" meansvthat the ruling family is descended from the Prophet Muhammad.The city is spread over seven hill,called jabals in the Arabic language.Most of Amman's historical sites are clustered in the downtown area,at the bottom of the jabals.An ancient citadel towers over the city of Amman.It is tat the top Al-Qala Hill.Al-Qasr is the most imposing building of the citadel.Al-Qaser means "the palace".Nearby is the Jordan Archeaological Museum. It has many exhibits from the prehistoric age up to recent times.Probably its most famous possessions  are the Dead Sea  Scrolls.

These ancient manuscripts are about 2,000 years old, and they include parts of the Torah(the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) and other writings. At the Bottom of Al-Wala Hill ismamRoman amphitheatre. The theatre was cut into the northern side of a hill and can seat 6,000 people.It is still used to stage shows,and it has two museums. The Jordan Folkloer  Museum has many things that tell us how the people of Jordan used to live.The Museum of Popular Traditions has traditional costumes and antique jewellery. Many of the costumes feature beautiful embroidery.the odeum is another theater, nearly as old as the Roman one.It seats just 500 people.Romans used it as a concert hall,and it's still used for concerts.Visitors to Amman enjoy the city's many bazaars(markets) called aoukd.Each souk sells different things .The gold souk is greatly admired.

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